Social Media and Extra Curricular Activities

Let’s say I am on the cheer squad (I am not) and I am teasing someone online and the person doesn’t like it. Should I be kicked off of the cheer squad? I don’t know what you think about this but I think If someone was being mean, they should be kicked off. First of all, it would teach the person a lesson. Although the comment may not have anything to to with the extra curricular they are on, being kicked off the tam or club would give the person time to think about what they have done and maybe even try to fix it. A lady named Christine Rubino wrote on Facebook after a sixth grader drowned on a field trip,”After today, I am thinking the beach sounds like a wonderul idea for my fifth graders? I HATE THEIR GUTS! They are all the devils spawn!” This was quoted by Micheal Gonchar, the author of the article. She did get fired but then got her job back. I think she deserved to lose her job because that was very mean and the students’ parents or the students could have seen it and probably did. I can imagine that would make them pretty angry. There are to many bad things posted on social media and the only way to teach the people not to do that is to take away something they like. They wouldn’t do it again if they knew that they could get taken of a team or orginization. In my opinion, the people who do these bad things on social media should have to be taken away from an extra curricular activity.

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