
plagairizing and poems

Activity 1

      Plagiarizing might not be the most interesting topic for a blog post, but after researching about the subject, I learned a lot and it really helped me to learn how to be safe and careful about it. Plagiarizing is when one copies another’s work and does not give them credit. It can happen on purpose or it even can be an accident. Either way, anyone could get in big trouble for it. One way to avoid plagiarizing is to use your own wording. All you have to do is find what you want to say, then change a few words, and you are done! In my opinion, that would be the easiest way to dodge plagiarism. there are many ways, so I gave you the link to a good website where you can find some other approaches to not plagiarizing. Make sure to use this blog to help you the next time you want to use someone else’s ideas but not steal them! thanks for reading!

Avoiding plagiarism

Activity 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                      One-eyed Jack Brandi Korte via Compfight

The spooky pumpkin sits alone on Halloween night

Waiting to frighten the children

His face so scary that it could petrify a bear

he glows as bright as the sun


His teeth are as sharp as razors

His eyes as evil as Mrs. Kroft (just kidding)

his partner in crime sees through his eyes

Will someone be brave enough to step on the porch?





Me as a Little Cartoon Avatar!

To create my avatar, I chose to use a website called, “Build Your Wild Self”. (There is a link down below) I thought that website was pretty cool because I could build myself but put a little spin on it by making it, “wild”. The first time I created it, I did it all normal and put nothing special on to it. But then I decided to have some fun with it and put butterfly wings. I did not want to put too many crazy things on my avatar because I wanted to still see my face. However, I do love my avatar now because it shows what I look like and puts some fun into it. Now, you might be wondering,”Why did you put butterfly wings onto it when you had all those other choices of accessories to put on your avatar?” The answer to that is I think butterflies are very colorful and pretty (especially their wings) and I imagine that if you just dumped out my brain lots of colors and beautiful, fun things would come out because I am a very happy person. (Nobody is going to literally dump out my brain) In conclusion, I feel that my avatar really expresses me. Thanks for reading my blog

Build Your Wild Self

This entry was posted on October 12, 2017. 2 Comments

Blog 1: The Story of A.A.L.S. (Awesome Animal Life Savers)


So, I LOVE animals. It’s simple. But I took my love for animals farther than I ever thought I would. Here’s the story….. In third grade, I was very shy until I met a girl named Kristin. We became best friends and talked all the time. One day we were having lunch in the cafeteria and we were talking about what we wanted to do when we grew up. We both said we wanted to help animals and help stop abuse. We decided that it would be cool to make an animal loving club. We named it A.A.L.S. (Awesome Animal Life Savers)We invited only our closest friends to be in the club. Kristin and I were the two club presidents sense we had made up the club. We did a few lemonade stands here and there, had club meetings, and walked around the class with our posters we made to show our classmates. It wasn’t really much but little did we know that this club would turn into something much bigger in a few years.

In fourth grade, Kristin and I weren’t in the same class. Therefore, we didn’t do much with the club. We did one or two lemonade stands but we weren’t nearly as excited about it than we were when we first made the club in third grade. Sure, it was always in the back of our minds that we should still be working on it, but we rarely brought it up.The club was pretty much dead. Or so we thought.

In fifth grade me, Kristin, and a lot of the other club members were all in the same class. Kristin and I got chosen for a core extension class called Genius Hour. It was a class for kids with good grades to pursue their passion. On one of the first few days that we had that class, we wrote on a sticky note our passion and kristin and I both put something about animals. We decided of course to work together and work on A.A.L.S. We created a website with many pages, slideshows, and even songs that we wrote. We worked very hard on all of it and were very happy with the outcome. We are working on our website. Thanks for reading! Also, please keep up to date on reading my blogs. I will keep posting!

…Ava out!!

MartyCreative Commons License William Warby via Compfight